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Wooh, I disappeared there, sorry about that.

Things are going really well post- Life Update! After I wrote that, I ducked my head under a rock to get some important stuff done. I wrote up a huge update for everyone on my queue, sent it out - about 45 emails! - organized my queue, made phone calls, set up appointments, and probably a bunch of stuff I'm forgetting haha.

I have been... so busy... but, I'm almost done.

As of today, I've reached out to all of my clients, heard back from and confirmed with about half, set up a game plan for the next few weeks, and I even got my hands on a friends old screen tablet! They downgraded to something smaller and more portable, so now I'm in possession of a shiny 22" screen I can draw on. Too big for them, perfect size for me.

This tablet has It's already sped up my workflow so much - I did this drawing on it, in like half an hour? I feel very happy with it! This is my cat sona Anya. I don't know why it's running, haha. Probably playing games with the scientists who keep it.

Because the world works in mysterious ways, it looks like I'll be upgrading to an even nicer screen tablet much sooner than I planned! A few things fell into place at just the right time, and now I have a newer Huion on the way here, which I'll be able to pay it off with very flexible payments. I do ultimately want that Cintiq, but I can put it off for a long time now, and focus on more immediate needs.

This tablet will be going to my partner Molten - who is doing much, much better these days! She loves the idea of drawing directly on the screen after about 10 years of using a regular Intuos tablet. Letting her try this one out the other day and seeing her eyes light up made me so happy. I can't wait to see what she creates.

Thank you, from both of us, to everyone who's sent us help and well wishes after my update. We wouldn't be anywhere without you, and things are looking much brighter for us because of everything you've done.

With so much typing out of the way, I'm... going to type even more, haha, but now in the form of queuing up more art to post here over the next few days.




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