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I will tell you what is happening, I owe you an explanation after the few updates and appearances that I have made online in general.

I have been taking care of my family for about 4 years, financially, this is because since my mother got cancer, my father began to be more cruel to me and my sister. I paid for my mother's surgery because my father never had any money and he was upset because he thought he would pay for the funeral. My father was something i don't want to remember.

I decided that getting away from him would be the necessary option, I left my father and looked for an apartment to take care of my mother and sister. This was hard but my mother came out of the surgery well and she was in recovery in the new apartment I got. Months of care went by and about 2 years later, she got another cancerous tumor. Living a situation like this is the worst thing for mental health, both for the patient and for those who are close to them and now this happened again. She went through the second surgery and she recovered thankfully. She never accepted radiotherapy, she is afraid and since this happened, she has changed a lot.

Now, a year later, the tumor has returned since October, we have done everything possible to prevent it from continuing, diets, audios, "miracle" medicines, nothing worked, we worked so hard on this! so many years, life is so hard.

He went back to the hospital and this time, the tumor was inseparable. I have cried too much, I cannot sleep, now I have fears that I never had before, I have mental problems since before thanks to my father, and now I think I am in worse conditions with all this, especially the pain and frustration of living this alone.


Thanks to patreon I was able to make a profit for the operations, I thank you so much Patrons.

However, I suffer a lot, the pain has been unbearable for me and for her, to the point that, we want this to end, I pray to God that this suffering stops at some point.

I have thought about taking my own life time ago, things are unfair for making certain decisions that should be the right ones. On the one hand, I love my family, and on the other, I couldn't live these years as an open gay single either, working for my happiness or with a partner and I always wanted to have someone with me. I have become very frustrated, especially now, expecting hard times.

I hope you can understand what I'm going through, I don't have time to think much about what I love, art, I feel weak and I haven't been able to sleep well. This month I will dedicate fair time, I will leave a vice that appeared to me these months to dedicate myself to what really matters, work and my mother. My sister promised to help me, so I hope this will be less difficult. 

Thank you very much for read this, I hope for the best and have faith in god


The Partitioner

I don't know what to say other than that must be alot to deal with. I hope things turn out better for you but in the event things get to stressful don't bottle it up.


Que complicado Chris. Te entiendo perfectamente por que justo estoy pasando por una situación similar, este mes que pasó pensaba remover mi patrocinio pero se me fue el tiempo. Igual por los gastos que he tenido en casa por que a mi mamá le detectaron cáncer de seno, y la operación fue costosa, además de las quimios que tendrá en unas semanas y que todos en casa, incluyendola, tuvimos Covid... Es demasiada presión para ti solo, y claro que es algo muy injusto de que tengas que cargar con tanta responsabilidad. Si quisieras platicar, desahogarte, o lo que tú quieras, mándame un mensaje y te doy mi Telegram. Aun cuando no me consideres cercano, yo te sigo estimando bastante y me preocupa tu bienestar. Gracias por el coraje que requirió abrirse y escribir al respecto.


Dear Friend, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through so much. You are so very strong to keep going, especially in your situation. There is not much that I can do, other than offer you my wishes that you and everyone else that you care for, do well. I know that things are very hard for you and I hope that it would only get better in your future. Please, do take care of yourself and everyone else you love. Do reach out to your patrons, or anyone and see if there is anything that we can do too. You are not alone. Remember that. Please take care. And please reach out if you need help.


Dear Thy Carker, Reading these messages of the pain you are experiencing is genuinely gut-wrenching, especially since we as your online fans/followers can't really do anything aside from offering love and advice. Please, let us know of any updates as many of us can empathize with the stress you're dealing with. You truly are an amazing artist, but you also sound like an amazing person. Sacrificing so much to take help your family, whom you clearly care for. As always, I send love and positive vibes, dude. Leer estos mensajes sobre el dolor que estás experimentando es realmente desgarrador, especialmente porque nosotros, como tus fans/seguidores en línea, no podemos hacer nada más que ofrecer amor y consejos. Por favor, infórmenos de cualquier actualización, ya que muchos de nosotros podemos empatizar con el estrés con el que está lidiando. Realmente eres un artista increíble, pero también suenas como una persona increíble. Sacrificar tanto para ayudar a tu familia, a quien claramente cuidas. Como siempre, te envío amor y vibras positivas, amigo.


I have only been a patron of your Patreon for a few months and I never would have realized the difficulties you face behind all of your works if you did not come out and reveal everything in this post. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for us, for all of the time and effort you have spent on your artwork despite the troubles facing you. I wanted to let you know that it’s OK if you need some time to take care of yourself because I hate that you’re going through this. Please remember that you’ve got this and I wish you all the best.

Thomas Brown

Thy, I really appreciate that you have been creating amazing art on Patreon despite the difficulties you've been going through. I hope you will be able to have all the time you need to rest and focus on those important things


jodida situacion pero es bueno saber tus dibujos mismo te han ayudado en cierta forma. espero en algun momento las cosas mejoren para ti, te mereces lo mejor y tu familia tmb! abrazo y muchos animos >_<