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The Hulk may be a destroyer, but even wild, he is aware of how cool and sexy he is! (I honestly feel like I still need to draw him more muscular LOL)

This character was requested more than once in the "request post" and I felt more motivated to try to draw him, thanks guys, I hope you like it!

Requested by Alan - Thanks for participating :D


Probably this illustration will be as PSD file and I will update with the sketch and process of it, enjoy!




You did a great job on Hulk. Yes, more muscles always works for this guy, but what you done with him is what most of us fanboys love to see doing.


*slow claps As expected, this is awesome. Hulk looks so perfect in your style! You should def look into more superheroes to draw in the future. Also, this is just my opinion but I think he looks great the way he is. Perfect amount of musculature, but if you want you can always make an alt version with bigger muscles if you want.


Thanks!! oh, haha is curious xd Thanks to this request I had a similar idea. Create a theme for each "Gift Art Post", for example superheroes theme or specific animal specie theme! Maybe I will do it soon! Sounds fun. About the anatomy, thank you, sometimes Hulk looks super cool but it depends much about what artist is drawing him (about the face), then I tried search the best details for make him a big and appealing face guy, I am glad you liked it c: maybe I did him a bit gorilish xddddd


I am happy of your comment, thanks Meanbeard :)


I'm glad you've got new ideas in your head for the Gift Art Posts. Superheroes, Gorillas, Dogs, Orcs, Demons, Dinosaurs, Humans, Gorillas again lol since you clearly like doing those, evident by your many cool original ape characters (whatever happened to Headbutt, Gobo, and SantaRilla?) Also, I still stand by your version of Hulk looking great. The body just seems right (to me) and as for his face, I'd say the way you drew it works well since Hulk is kind of a brutish character who has a square face/jawline with a lot of angular/sharp features. Plus he just comes off as very gorilla-like with his arms swinging, chest-beating, loud yelling, and overall gruff n tuff exterior so your drawing of him looking "a bit gorillish" actually works haha. Your interpretation was extremely well executed.


Wow. He came out perfect! So buff and strong 😍 Fantastic work Thy!~ 🥰


he looks freaking amazing!!! loving the coloring all over his green muscles <333


Glad you liked him! I tried my best for the request Alan :) thanks!