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Well everyone, I'm an hour into 2022 and I just wanted to thank you all ever so much for your support this year! I couldn't be drawing as much as I do without your help, and I am so gosh darn grateful for each and every one of you.

I wanted to let you guys be the first to know that 2022 is the year I start a comic! I'm going to be posting character designs later on today, and will be starting work on the comic asap! My aim is to get rewards done within the first two weeks of the month (assuming circumstances are normal) and then working on the comic otherwise! I'd love to be able to get a personal piece done once a month if I can manage it, too, so here's to me sticking to a good work schedule!

Anyways, once again, thank you so much for all of your support this year, and here's to a wonderful 2022 for you all!! ❤️❤️ Much love!



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