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Ray Harryhausen got his start with stop-motion adaptations of popular fairy tales. The young Harryhausen had spent World War II working under Colonel Frank Capra in the U.S. Army's Special Services Division, making military films. By war's end, Ray had salvaged enough leftover 16 mm stock to make his first short, an anthology of classic fairy tales called The Mother Goose Stories (1946). 

Astonishingly, Harryhausen animated every single frame of the film himself, with his parents helping with the elaborate costuming and detailed sets. He then successfully distributed the film to schools, where it became a staple of rainy day assemblies. 

After a stint working with his mentor Willis O'Brien on Mighty Joe Young, Ray returned to short subjects with The Story of Little Red Riding Hood (1949). 

This is a 16mm scan of that film.


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