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Typically on a restoration project, I try to improve the opening credits/sequence as much as possible. This helps me develop the workflow that I will utilize for the rest of the restoration. 

This update took a week of work and much problem solving to begin to develop a possible workflow for this film. The major problems in this print are the degree of flickering, it's graininess, and general damage. Fixing each of these on their own introduces other problems (e.g., loss of sharpness). Fixing all together, compounds these problems.

Here is my progress to date on the opening sequence. As you can see, the flicker has been greatly reduced as well as the other damage. I've also stabilized and cropped the footage too. 

When compared to Olive Films FHD restoration, you can see that their film has a sharper image; however, no obvious attempt at restoration appears to have been done to their print as all the damage is still present (though I suspect that they added a layer of fine grain). 

The trick is finding the right balance between reduces the bad elements and preserving the good elements. I have not found that balance yet.


Minnie the Moocher Restoration Comparison: Olive Films, Raw Scan, & Initial Color Correction

I'm about 90% done with the opening sequence. Compared to the Olive Films remaster, there's some sharpness that needs to be added back in that was lost after cleaning up the noise and scratches. Few other tweaks here and there are needed as well. I intend to add a 4k film grain as well, but that won't be on any YT version as YT's compression will strip that from it. You can see how severely cropped the Olive Films version is, which is not presented in the original aspect ratio. You can also see the transformation from the raw scan and the initial color correction to the current iteration after the Olive film sequence. 00:00:00 Comparison with Olive Films Version 00:01:16 Comparison with the Raw Scan 00:02:33 Comparison with the initial Color Correction


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