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Hello pretty people.

I have some major news and I want to give you a heads up in order for you to plan things.

 Starting February 2020 I will pause new Patreon commission slots. In the months after I will focus on my backlog. I will resume Patreon commissions once I'm done with it. I won't give you any specific dates, cause I keep failing to meet my predictions. But I expect this period to be at least 5 months long, but most probably more.

As soon as I'm done with it, I'll resume patreon commissions based on a rehashed priority system that will still take into account the amount of your time and money that goes towards my patreon.
tl;dr if you keep pledging, you'll still get points that will go towards future commission slots. If you care only/mostly about patreon commissions, consider the $1 tier.

Right now newly pledging patrons have to wait for a long ass time before they can get a commission slot, so once I resume I will split the pool of patrons into 2 groups. 1 group will consist of patrons that already got a slot or more in the past, while the second group will consist of 0 slots patrons. This way newer patrons should wait much less to get art.

There is also a preview of future Commission Guidelines: LINK
(not final, but it should give you at least an idea on how things will change in the future).

I'm really sorry if this causes any inconvenience. If you want to ask me -anything- in regards to this change, please don't hesitate to send me a private message on Patreon or get in touch via Discord.
During this time I will still deliver all the usual Patreon rewards and perks (Patreon Request streams, artworks, videos, art critique, etc.).




I'm happy to pay more just for the content. Looking forward to the future


Learning that there is at least a 1.5 year wait list is helpful. I had no idea where I might be "in the queue", as it were. Thanks!