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I'm currently looking for any solution regarding this (sinking into the ground) issue, while walking around the game world. This is not the only anomaly. In some areas of the map, my character will suddenly start swimming into the sky, in some lake/beach areas, she will fall into the depths of the water. If you have experienced these issues and know of a solution, please share it with us all! Thank you.💕




I’ve also have had this problem and it might have to do with mods that add or update things in the actual game world. Though I can’t remember where I saw this mentioned… and I haven’t tested it to see if it’s true but I also have experienced the same problems 😂


Not the same issue, but I figured this is the best place to ask. I've recently had an issue where at first all of Sockpoppet's mods worked fine, but after trying to update BCML now any time one of those mods are enabled, the game gets stuck on a permanent loading screen. All other mods work fine, it's just Sockpoppet's stuff that makes it infinitely load. Anyone ever experienced this before or know how to fix it? Kinda sucks that I commissioned an outfit and it worked the first time I played but now I can't even load the game anymore unless I disable the mod.


I think that might be reshade. I've had the same issue and when I disabled reshade the problem went away. Some reshade settings cause problems in the environment and I'm not sure why


It might have somthing to do with the emulater when I first installed cemu most of my world had invisible water it seemed to solve itself after a reinstall


I had this, I think my FPS was at 60, and that made things unstable. So I changed it to something stupid like 58, and it fixed it. I had to go into some settings in CEMU. I wish I could be more helpful, I'm sorry. This is also how I fixed the "Deadly Invisible Water" where if I saw floating leaves in the air I would drown in air, very scary. P.S. Any update on Natural Nude 1.3? >w< ❤️


Are you playing on Vulkan? Sinking and air swimming are Vulkan related bugs.


This is a Cemu issue, Its a emulator bug caused by vulkan 60fps


You guys are right, the issues have gone away after reinstalling CEMU!