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So, funny story. 

About a week ago I was suffering from pretty bad art block and generally poor mental health, so a friend of mine sent me a cute pic of Michiru in cat lingerie to try and cheer me up. We were then both disappointed to discover it was an AI image after a closer look, and then I said 'Yknow what, screw it, I'm gonna fix this by drawing an ACTUAL image of Kitty Michiru!" 

And then I did! And it helped me get over my art block!!

I also wasn't planning to initially but the intrusive thoughts won and I made some preggy alts.

So I guess the moral of the story is that Tanuki tummy solves all of life's woe's thank you for coming to my TED talk lol,

Anywho, Hope you enjoy!



Ghost Walker

The power of tanuki tum! Glad you're over it now!


Glad it was able to help you unwind, to indulge yourself like that.

