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Hey all!

Sorry for going quiet for the last little while. To be frank I've been pretty down in the dumps and also art blocked, so work progress has been kind of slow. I'm slowly getting my mojo back though and am hoping to kick things back into gear this week.

I've had Yor drafted for a while now so I'm looking to finally stream her sometime later this week! Probably Wednesday at the earliest. I also have the requests for this month sketched as well and will probably stream those sometime over the weekend. This month's poll should be out soon too so keep an eye out for that.

Once again, sorry for the big delay and thank you all so much for supporting me! I'll get back in the groove as fast as I can!


Ghost Walker

Don't stress about it if you're still having problems later this week! We can wait!


I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been going through that! I hope you’ll feel much better soon and that the upcoming streams will be a refreshing experience!