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Hey all! Sorry for being so quiet for the last little while. Just wanted to touch base about a few things real quick.

I've been going through a bit of a rough patch so things have been a little slow, but I'm hoping to get back on top of them this week! I'm gonna do a stream for Cynthia hopefully either today or tomorrow, and I might end up making it a Mega Stream where I also draw this month's Request winners! The poll for this month should also be up sometime soon so stay tuned for that, I'm thinking the theme this time will be girls with fluffy tails.

Sorry for the delay and hope to see you all soon when I stream!



I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time, hopefully the stream will be a nice relaxing time and things will turn around quickly! Here’s hoping for good things for you on the horizon!


More than anything, please take care of yourself. If you need a decent break, don’t be afraid to take it.