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This set of default skintone overrides fixes textureless anatomy issues.

A sim's body is made up of several parts: 3D meshes; black-and-white skin textures that add detail; and skintones, which are color maps that add color to the skin texture.

In order to keep anatomy textures from overlapping with body textures, most CC creators utilize 'overflow' spaces that are unused by a sim's naked body. Unfortunately, lots of the game's default skintones don't cover that overflow space - so where you should see texture and color, you see a blank, black body part instead!

These skintone fixes add color to the overflow space so anatomy shows up correctly.

1) Includes fixes for all of the game's skintones in one file.
I've eliminated the need for separate package files for DLC skintones while keeping file size manageable.
2) Overrides no longer appear as custom content.
I've eliminated an issue that was causing skintones to show up as custom content. Skintone swatches now appear without a CC wrench icon over the thumbnail.
3) Optimized for use with SimpleGens 2.0 anatomy. Skintone fixes are compatible with new SimpleGens 2.0 files, but still work with older SimpleGens/RealGens anatomy.
4) Works for male and female sims.

Files included are separated by folder into required, recommended, and optional. If you have previous skintone fix files from me, you can safely delete ALL of them and use the file in this post.

simdulgence_DefaultSkintoneFixes (REQUIRED)
Contains fixes for all skintones.

Fixed one of the warm skintones (swatch #15) displaying the wrong color.
Included previous edits in this post. Edited skintones to correctly cover SimplePenis 2.0 designs. Simplified package structure. Fixed issue causing CC wrench icons to display on skintone thumbnails.
2021-09-16: Fixed colors showing incorrectly on the underside of the penis for fantasy skintones.
2021-02-07: Fixed compression issues on chests/faces.
2020-12-19: Added support for new skintones added via patch.
2020-01-23: Made skintone fixes compatible with Spellcasters.



Trenton Reinhardt

So the main difference between this current post and the previous (Default Skin Replacements) is that the latter is in the CAS gallery and the former is an actual override for default? Do you need both? If not, I can't seem to find the DSR in the gallery. Are there in a particular place? Like for example, the new swatches for the 2.0 SimplePenis is the Skin details thats in the same area where you can find tattoos and body hair. Old CC skin details went where you could find teeth and facial details.


Skin textures - aka my default skin replacements - affect the texture of a sim's skin. They're responsible for the actual texture you see, including muscle, shadow, highlight, etc. Skintones - the file in this post - are the color you see on a sim's skin. They control what skin color your sim is, and have nothing to do with the texture underneath. The difference between the default skin textures and the skintone fixes in this post are that they affect different files completely. Because both of the files in question are default overrides, you don't choose either of them in CAS. Default overrides are applied automatically to all sims. Other optional details, such as color overlays or iliac crest lines, are added to CAS for you to apply to sims manually as you choose (like the game's existing wrinkles, freckles, etc). Technically, you don't 'need' either of the files. The skin textures are just my way of improving on the game's skins (as explained in that post), and the skintone fixes are to correct an issue that players might encounter that causes parts of sim anatomy to show up looking incorrect. If you have another skintone fix from another creator, you don't need mine, but not everyone has one. If all of the anatomy I offer already looks 100% correct in your game, you don't need the skintone fix in this post. I hope that explains it, but if not, let me know! :)

Phil G

The previous default skin tones had three files, base game, Get to Work and Island Living, does this one replace them all?

Mya Ru

I would love an overlay version of this.


Hey! I'm not entirely sure how an overlay version of this would work - the game's skintones are set up a specific way and I don't know if skintones can even be added as an overlay because the colors might not interact with the skin the way they do from the skintone panel. Unless you're talking about an overlay version of my default skin replacements?

Mya Ru

I’m talking about an overlay version of your default replacements. If you are not able to I understand.


Sorry for the silly question. If I have a default skin replacement from another content creator, would the default replacement skintones from you cause a conflict? Do I need to use only 1 file? Thank you


Hey! If you're using a skin texture replacement from another creator, that should work fine with my skintone replacements. They affect different files. If any CC default skins you use mention that they're also affecting the skintones, that would cause a conflict (the game would read whichever is first in your mods folder alphabetically and ignore the other file). But most CC default skins don't do anything with the skintones at all. Let me know if you need any other help with this!


Thank you. In the end, I've decided to go with your default skin replacements as well. Looking forward to an updated female version tho, when you have the time. :)