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Last Update 2021-09-20
I am currently CLOSED for commissions.

I can only pin one post at a time, so I'm going to use this post as both a WIP list and a place to grab the latest zip files of my base content.

I'd like to make it easier to find up to date versions of my content, so zip files of my essential work will be included here. Hopefully this makes it easier to come grab the most recent version of the SimpleGens penises, or SimMotion, etc without having to hunt through older posts.

I can't include all of the details individual posts contain, so I strongly recommend searching or using the tags at the top of the page to find posts about the content.

This list is NOT exhaustive and doesn't reflect everything I'm working on. Not all listed content is being worked on concurrently (there are only so many plates I can keep spinning at one time!), so some projects are further along in their status than others.

Body Parts:
- Visual improvements to penises and vaginas
- Full gender compatibility options (e.g. sims with opposite frames)
- Larger areola variants/overlays for female sims

- Female versions of my VPL underwear
- Unlocking all male underwear for female masc-framed sims

- More overrides for SimMotion planned

- Tentative. I'd like to create more animations, but anatomy and clothing have very much taken over my schedule!

- Quality of life improvements, if possible (depends on my coding skills). More piercing styles and piercings for genitals potentially planned.



Hijacking my own post to ask a question. I see a different view of my page than you all do. Do you see icons at the top that show content tags? Things like "realgens", "bodyhair", etc? I want to know if you can click a tag to explore content the way I can. If anyone can let me know, I'd appreciate it!


We can definitely do and I use that all the time to make sure I have all the clothing and realgens updates :3


I do need to add you don’t see it on the app just the website version


Excellent! Glad to hear that, I didn't know if tagging my posts was all in vain lol


Ooh, okay. It's not a setting I can control or anything, but I'll feed it back to Patreon (there are a number of improvements I'd like them to make in general).


This is really exciting stuff. I'm a big fan by this point, having used your realgens since before the chests were even made. Knowing that chests are getting reworked makes me really happy <3 Thank you for putting in so much hard work!

Blue Nerd

Thank you for everything you do, I haven't regretted supporting you, as I have for other patreons.


cannot wait for more exclusive penis designs and the chests update! thanks so much :)


Thank you! I don't think the chests were bad, necessarily, but I kinda want to get all of the parts on the same page style-wise, for consistency. I hope you'll continue to like what I make, and thanks for the support! 😁


Wow, that's a huge compliment! Now I have to live up to it lol In all seriousness, I'm glad you're enjoying what I'm doing and I hope you'll like my future content. Thank you for your support! 😄


You are the BEST! Thank you for your dedication, hard work and transparency!


about the vaginas, you should check out the crimson camellia rigs by minigiles


I tried looking for this, but all I seem to find is penis cages, not vagina rigs?

Blue Nerd

I decided to upgrade to the $10 tier to see what I've been missing :)

James Bender

i have WalkingBounce.package will that brweak it


Hey Rusty - in case you don't see my reply on the other post, the answer is that it shouldn't *break* anything to have that file in your game too. There will be some conflict because both packages do the same thing (edit animations). Your game should still load and work fine with both. You'll probably see my edits and some edits from the WalkingBounce file.


One thing I would love to see is an option to change the color of the glans, or a version with a pink/purple head. Your penis mods are already some of the best, if not the best, in the game, but this addition would blow all other options out of the water.


Are you familiar with the Color Overlays that I made? There are some different color glans options in there that you can add on as a skin detail. There's a link in the original SimpleGens post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/simplegens-v1-0-47090604 It might be the kind of thing you're looking for. Or, if you already know about the overlays but you're looking for something different, I'd like to hear more about what you'd want that's different to those 🙂


I do have icons on Firefox/desktop but not in Firefox/Android or in the Patreon android app. Here's a screenshot of the site on my desktop. https://i.imgur.com/Nom5pCq.png

Blue Nerd

I hope your 2 month vacation has been fruitful and truly relaxing! I am excited to see what new things are coming in August ♥


Glad to see you back and hope you enjoyed your vacation


Welcome back!! I'm looking forward to more penis designs (especially smaller ones and one with the foreskin fully covering and protruding past the head!)


I'm really enjoying the work you put out. Also, do you think you might eventually make more animations sometime in the future, as in like positions?


Welcome back! Looking forward to your content; custom penises, and male underwear in particular. It's so hard finding quality CC for male sims and you're probably the best modder out there.


Yes, I want to. They can be kinda time-consuming to make look good, so they've fallen by the wayside while I've been trying to "finish" a complete set of body parts. But I do want to return to making more of them and have been planning some ideas recently!


Wow, thank you! That's such a wonderful compliment. I'm glad you enjoy what I make and I hope to add more of the kinds of stuff you're interested in (the game can always use more underwear, really).


I need the Simple Gens Vaginas! The last vagina post I found is version 1.0. Did you remove the other posts?


No, I haven't removed any posts - I can see at least 6 posts tagged vaginas. https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-realgens-38174286 Latest post for female sims https://www.patreon.com/posts/realgens-vagina-48377315 Post for male sims The vaginas need to be updated, actually, because they were released as "RealGens" and I want to make some improvements to them. Those improved versions will be "SimpleGens".


I wanted to ask here noticed you talked about Penis conversions for female sims, does it mean we would get same sizes. Noticed the female version 1.2 are smaller compared to same sizes on male sims far as I can tell comparing them(not sure if it's me not able to find a RealgenPlus version or something like that)? (nevermind, worked it out)


Hey! I don't think there should be any size difference, it's the same model just converted to fit the female hips/groin/legs - but I don't resize it when I convert it across. I hope the "nevermind" means it's all okay now?


Thanks for the new concept so that I always have the latest versions at a glance. Maybe at some point you can add the clothes as well. One personal wish. I have always used RealGensColors and RealGensShades at Realgens Penises (Brow Scar & Dimple). I loved them and it would be great if they would work with SimplePenises too.


I'll think about the clothes. Re: other locations for colors, I do have a brow scar version of the colors for SimpleGens that you can use: https://simfileshare.net/download/2739696/ I haven't actually recreated the grey shades for SG - to be honest, I sort of forgot I ever made them lol How often do you use those?


Thanks for the brow scar version for SimpleGens. It looks awesome and makes the penis a lot more realistic and good-looking.


You're welcome - glad it's looking good! I wish the game let me add my own detail slots so I could just add content without having to fight against wrinkles or moles or tattoos. Or at least let items be layered so you could use two items in the same slot! Oh well, maybe someday? lol


Hi I have a big problem with body selector WW, my WW is patreon to. Sorry for my poor english! TypeError: _modded_get_sim_body_bottom_cas_part() got an unexpected keyword argument 'non_penis' and I know that is simdulgene, I tried everything. Can you help me?


the script for piercing is broken with the last patreon WW. I can take a look at it, but I think I can also just make the piercing versions available on the body selector.

peter piper

When are we getting more updates?