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This is an update to my default skin replacement for male sims. If you're not familiar with my default replacement, what upgrades it features, or why you might want to use it, check out this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/default-skin-47174101

The update has two major components:

1) I've added all of the correct anatomical details to the sim's butt. I can't use the word for the actual anatomy anymore, because Patreon will flag my post! Pick your favorite nickname for it and pretend I said that.

If you use a SimpleGens or RealGens penis, you'll already see the correct details when your sim is naked. This update to the base skin means you can see the correct textures when your sim is wearing any of my clothing that's exposed in the back, like a jockstrap.

2) I've made some minor texture changes to the inside of the thighs to clean them up a bit. The change eliminates a streaky texture right near the underwear line. I know a lot of people might not notice the change, but I've been staring at the inside of male sim thighs for so long that it began to bother me!

The update file is larger than the last one I shared. This is because there have been internal changes to the game in the last few months, and the textures involved are no longer as compressed as they were.




Posting my alternate default skin based on this, with Simdulgence's permission. Aureole. It's the halo skin by magicbats (for all ages, body types, and genders), but with Simdulgence male bodies instead of luumia's. The hands, feet, and adams apple from luumia's skin are added to the male bodies. There's also an override for the WW female nipple overlay to make them match the ones on the skin. Original (with screenshots): https://magicbats.tumblr.com/post/636951004413313025/halo-a-default-skin-by-magicbats-after-waaaay Aureole: http://www.simfileshare.net/download/2440365/ Apart from Simdulgence, magicbats, and luumia, credit also goes to heihu for the face overlay and nolan-sims for the wrinkles.