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I'd like to give a quick update on where I'm at with current projects and things I expect to work on soon.

- Male chest shapes. These are actively being worked on, and progress is going well at the moment. I intend these to be the next "big" release, but there will still be some smaller releases before they're ready.

- The next stage of the "Loving Anal" animation, which will be a climax. Will probably be available before the chests.

- Penises for sims whose gender and frame are different. This requires editing of all of the penises, so it's unlikely these will be completed before the male chests. Currently they're in a good position to move forward once other projects are out of the way.

- Body hair. I've been asked about this more and more, and I'd like to add to it. I'm a bit torn between releasing a basic set - one leg hair style, one arm hair style, or a few female hairs - or waiting until I have multiple styles created. Also unlikely to be completed before the chests.

- A few odds and ends to do with smaller penises - a micropenis, an extra small hard penis, an extra small soft penis with testicle style C. These are smaller edits that require less work and may be completed before the chests.

- A RealGens vagina. I haven't started any mesh work on this yet, but I have been gathering  references. I'd like to do this right, which means not only making it look good but offering variety in the same way the penises have.

These aren't the only projects I have on my to-do list, and I can't give a 100% solid timeframe on any of them. Sometimes real life gets in the way! But these are all things I either intend to work on soon or am currently working on, and I just wanted to make everyone aware of what my plans are.

I hope the polls I put up offer a good opportunity for feedback, but if there is ever anything you're interested in or want to discuss, feel free to get in touch.

I'd also like to say thank you to everyone who's here, no matter the amount you pledge or the time you have been or will be a patron. There's no humble way to say "I like it when you compliment me!" lol, but I do appreciate all of the support. It makes me extremely happy to feel that what I'm creating adds enjoyment to your experience with The Sims.

Thank you!


James Bender

I have in idea make a mod where you make a servo penies on the workstation and get wiked whims to help you


I've thought about the servo but haven't had a chance yet to look into them and what's possible. But it's an interesting idea!


Thanks for the update! Great job on all of these they really enhance my game! Question, is it possible to assign buffs to different penises? Like micro = embarrassed or ashamed and xxl = accomplished or proud? Or something similar?


Thank you! So, I've looked into the buffs question - it looks like it's *possible*, but I haven't actually tried it out yet. If I do implement it, I'll need to come up with a system that works for everyone. Something optional and flexible, so people who don't think small penises are negative aren't stuck with buffs they don't want. I'll do some thinking about that, but first I need to test that I can actually make it work!


You are welcome! That's cool you've looked into buffs. I was thinking that maybe the buffs are keyed off of having specific traits. Like hot headed sims maybe get an angry buff when they discover another sim has a micro penis, and a good sim gets a playful buff. And the sim with the micro penis maybe gets a humiliated buff if they are a good or gloomy sim, or a flirty buff if they are a romantic or non-committal.


I was also thinking about traits, but my line of thinking was first about certain traits triggering buffs on the sim who has the penis (so a sim who is self-obsessed, or whatever it's called, might get a happy buff from a larger penis). Other sims getting buffs when someone else gets naked is a different situation that I'll only be able to explore after I've determined that I can successfully add buffs to the sim with the penis. ;)


I know some parts of this can be done cause the pervert and sexually awkward traits on LL have certain buffs for naked sims... it just needs a little more variety. :)