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A big "Thank You!"  to all the people that have supported me in the past 6 months.
And a big "Thank You" to YOU for appreciating my work. It's my way out of this mess, even if it's only for a few hours a day.
You might wonder what this is all about, don't feel bad about it, I don't bring my IRL problems up that often. I think talking about it might come over as "wanting attention" or "asking for sympathy points".

I've been struggling with my legs since August 2021 due to a "Spinal Fistula". Blood vessels that have wrapped themselves around my main artery. These vessels expanded due to the pressure of the artery and started to push against my nerve system. Numbing and limiting my ability to feel and walk with my legs. 
December 20th, I was supposed to get an operation done that would keep me in the hospital for 3 days. However it failed and a week later I had a new one. After 10 hours, it still failed. Only on January 6th they managed to stop the blood flow and removed the pressure on my nerve, but it was too late. I couldn't walk anymore. January 20th, I was moved to the therapy part of the hospital, where I'm still at after 5 months of physiotherapy to learn how to move around in a wheelchair and to train my legs and arms.

I'm grateful that I was allowed to have my PC here. I'm grateful that only my lower body got hit with this fistula, that I still have my hands to move around with and to make my art. I'm grateful for all the support I've received from everyone. And I'm grateful that YOU have listened to my story.
I still got a long way to go. I'm getting more independent again, learning new ways to get through life, but the biggest hurdle right now, is finding a place to live. 

Thank you ~Tahlian
