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Just checking in with you and bringing some updates about our projects. Yes, that's right, "projects" in the plural. So, let's start by discussing our newest one: Streaming For Love.

This is the title of the new game we've been working on behind the scenes in the last few months. The teaser we released last week may not reveal much, but that's because it's exactly that - a teaser! Jokes aside, we hope you're as excited as we are about it. This game will introduce some fresh elements that we think you'll enjoy, including new gameplay mechanics and... Well, you'll see! For now, we just wanted to let you know that we'll be releasing the official trailer next Friday so stay tuned!

Shale Hill Secrets

Things in Shale Hill are getting edgy (man, it's tough to provide updates without giving away spoilers), and the situation is getting more intense. The MC is being "haunted" by his past, and there are some new characters in the mix. Maybe these newcomers will help the MC find some answers… Or maybe they will complicate things even more…

That's all for today. We'll catch up soon!

Stay foxy,
The Love-Joint Team.

