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Hey everyone, how are you all doing?

We're doing great here at Love-Joint. We're busy working on the next episode of Shale Hill Secrets, and we can't wait to share it with you. It's going to be awesome. We have a lot to reveal.

As we dig deeper into this mystery, questions arise, and our MC is the only one who can get to the bottom. We saw that more people become involved, including family of close ones. Is this guy in control? Is he the one responsible for everything? The real leader of all this fuckery? Well, as usual, lots of questions populate our minds. The puzzle gains more pieces and looks like our MC is getting closer to uncovering something significant…

Don't miss it!

Platinum Bonus Scene

[Spoiler alert] In this month's bonus scene, we’re taking a trip back to episode four!

Remember when Sam was working at Burger Queen and you convinced her to leave? Well, this time things are going down a little differently… Sam wants to stick it to the overcontrolling Hank by making a show, and how better to create a show worthy of getting fired and have some fun at the same time? I think you can guess what’s going down at the Burger Queen in this one! 😉

Oh, and one more thing. Keep an eye out because we have some more good news on the horizon this week. There's something different brewing... 👀

Take care,
The Love-Joint Team.



Az Reel

I can imagine what's going down, my question is who's going down first... :P


All I can say is every time I here that music when I first start the game. I know it's going to be an enjoyable episode, the piano and instruments are perfect... All one could ask for.. Specifically the music that comes on near the begining of ep 7. Give it a rewatch :)