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Hey there, folks! How's everyone doing?

We hope you enjoyed the latest episode of Shale Hill Secrets! The feedback has been great, and we're loving all the messages and theories about what's going on with our beloved characters.

Now, about the next episode... We're working on it full steam ahead! There's a lot to figure out, and we're excited to see what kind of wild and crazy situations our characters will find themselves in. I mean, who knows, maybe our main character decided to take a break from it all and go camping... or maybe he's trying to escape his problems and get a fresh start? 🤔

We'll find out soon enough! In the meantime, stay tuned for more updates and keep the speculation going! 😉

Stay foxy,
The Love-Joint Team.




I’ve been so busy I haven’t even had a chance to check it out yet! I know what I’ll be doing tonight/this weekend

JD Robert

I'm loving the twists and turns, this is one of the best visual novels out there