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Hello, everyone! How are you all doing?

We wanted to take a moment to check in and see how things are going for all of you. Since the last episode of Shale Hill Secrets brought some surprising and impactful revelations, we thought it was important to touch base =D.

Now, let's get down to business. Just a quick one to share an update on the development of Shale Hill Secrets - Episode 13. While we don't have much to reveal just yet to avoid spoilers, we do have a special image to offer you. It hints at our MC's upcoming focus on a beloved character. Get ready for some exciting developments!

As always, we really do love hearing your feedback, predictions and theories. So please, feel free to head over to our Discord server, and share them all in the #game-discussions channel!

Stay tuned for more updates!
The Love-Joint Team.




One of the women that could safely communicate with us.... ugh. You're a bunch of meanies.


*---A Bit of spoilers ahead. Can't wait for the next one! All this time we thought that MC is on to something, but as far as we go, I realized that MC all this time is helpless and incapable. The only reason he got this far is because the enemy wills it. He's not onto something. I always felt disappointed whenever theres a momentum that shows the MC has something against them then it will all end up being for nothing. Whatever information he had has always been revealed and he's just being kept ignorant to whats happening around him I hope we can see more of him rather than just being a let down. It sucks that all this time MC is just a little man playing detective and is never a sign of threat to the frat as well. I wish we could see why Valerie really saw something great to him.