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We are delighted to announce that Shale Hill Secrets - Episode 6 has been released to $10+ patrons, meaning it’s time to discover what is going to happen after that excruciating cliffhanger from the last episode.

To refresh your memory (EP5 spoilers ahead) - The MC attended a halloween party at Emily’s family house with a girl (or bro) of your choice. Aside from a little fun with your chosen girl, the MC used this opportunity to do some investigating. We finally started finding some clues involving Cedric and Emily - until the MC was attacked by somebody in a clown costume.

Who was behind the costume? Is our life in danger? Are any of our friends wrapped up in this too? Is there a way out of this? Hopefully Episode 6 can start to give us some answers!

Install Instructions

IMPORTANT: Do not play previous builds (0.1.x, 0.2.x etc). Always play the latest build available (it contains all the episodes). Since we are constantly improving the engine, executing a previous build after you've run a newer one could corrupt your progress.

Shale Hill Secrets Episode 6 v0.6.3

Full Download Here (Windows 64-bit, macOS, Android)

Just FYI: There are two special scenes in this episode, one is completely missable if you do not select the correct option!

The files are hosted on itch since their download speeds are better.

You don't need to create an itch account. Just click "Connect with Patreon" > "Allow" > "Download". If you have canceled your pledge, Itch may not allow you to access the downloads. Please re-enable your pledge (you won't be charged again) to download the files. Then you can cancel it afterwards.

If for any reason you can't download the game from Itch, please get in touch with any of our moderators at our Discord server.

Patreon Authentication

The game now requires direct access validation using your Patreon account. Your subscription must be active for the API to recognize it. If you pledged and canceled it right afterwards, the validation process could fail. Please re-enable your pledge (you won't be charged again) and try again.

If your browser doesn’t open when clicking “Login with Patreon to play this episode!”, please check your system default browser settings and make sure your preferred browser is selected.

If the authentication process doesn’t work, please make sure to whitelist Shale Hill Secrets in your antivirus/firewall settings. Run the game in Admin mode can also help. Whitelist our domain in your ad blocker/security extension in your browser can also do the trick.


Download the file below, extract the zipped file to a location of your choice and then run the Shale Hill Secrets executable. The game should open straight away after this. Do not try to run the executable without unzipping it first or you’ll get an error message! Do not mix these files with previous releases! This release contains all the episodes.


Double click Install Shale Hill Secrets.dmg. Then, in the window that opens, drag and drop the app to the Applications folder.

If the DMG file doesn't open, this means Gatekeeper could have quarantined it. It can be fixed by running this command in Terminal:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine $HOME/Downloads/Install\ Shale\ Hill\ Secrets\ v0.6.3.dmg


Your device needs to be able to install APKs outside of the Play Store. If it isn't, you need to enable that option first.

After downloading the file, open the APK and select "update". Don't uninstall the previous version or you might lose your progress.


Report any bugs or issues to #bug-reports or #typos in our Discord channel. Please do not post bug reports here in the comments section of this post - It’s hard to track and difficult to give proper assistance. If you don’t have a Discord account, please send us an email instead to support@love-joint.com. Please also feel free to leave some feedback in #constructive-feedback on Discord or down below in the comments.

Developed by Love-Joint

Ricky | Producer, Code, Engine
AW | Plot, Writing, Direction
Mr. Vargas | Character Design, Art
Zed | Marketing, Art
Luke | Marketing, Art, Animations
NiRo | Former Character Designer, Art

In Memory of Palmer.




what a ending. why is there a locked scene on the gallery scenes


Very interesting, I wonder who’s the one pulling the strings. I have my deductions.


I really appreciate the attention to the sound in this game. It seems like something that could easily be forgotten or not given that much care to, but the music and ambiances really work wonders in this game. Sometimes I feel like the game is playing me, and the music pulls me along. Great work, honestly.

Julio vargas

Is episode 6 out yet cause I downloaded the game but gives me episode 5 and the scenes of episodes 6 are locked 👀


Episode 5 needs to be finished (until it shows the buttons to return to the main menu) for Episode 6 to be unlocked.


Is there any chance/source for an alt download link? I have really terrible internet and the problem with this one is if it gets interuppted I have to restart the whole thing. it never lets me resume a broken download :(


Mac version is only 230 bytes. Seems like the upload is broken


Send me a private message letting me know what operating system you use (Windows, Mac, Android) and I'll get you an alternate link.


Really sorry about that. Butler (itch uploader) has been misbehaving lately. I've just reupload the Mac build.

Johnny Kämpe

Well i finally got around to playing the episode and dang, more mystery. But best of all Toaster people that made me laugh, and finally i got to kiss leah :)

Orange Sealion

I never got Episode 5 to work right sadly


Is there a platinum scene coming out this month?


Sadly, the last two episodes could have been one somewhat mediocre episode.