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Hello everyone!

It’s time for another Platinum bonus scene, and as some of you may have seen recently on Discord, next up we finally have the lovely Leah!

Someone mentioned yesterday on Discord that they thought the first Leah scene would happen in game, and we totally understand and agree. It’s something we have discussed and debated between for a while. The bonus scene is a monthly thing, meaning multiple come out between main game releases, and each month that goes on becomes increasingly difficult to keep avoiding Leah. A lot of you also noted down in the Platinum feedback recently that you’d love to see her featured - considering all other girls have now had a bonus scene, some multiple, we decided it was time to give you guys something with Leah.

Keeping all this in mind, we got a little creative with this scene and we are very happy with the outcome considering the style of it. It also comes in at nearly 70 images as a playable scene straight away, something to keep you busy! 😉

The scene is a continuation of when the MC is caught having some alone time in episode four, but this time from Leah’s perspective. We’ll let you discover the rest for yourself, and truly hope you enjoy it!

All the CGs in 4k resolution are attached to this post for download. To play the scene, please download Shale Hill Secrets v0.5.2 (Available for Windows, Mac and Android).

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Edit 04/05/2022:

- Shale Hill Secrets Episode 5 assets in 4K resolution were attached to this post.

Thank you all again for your amazing support,
The Love-Joint Team!  ❤️




Is there a link for the episode 5 cg? I can’t find it like normal.