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Hello guys, we hope everyone is having a good start to the new year.

2022 is here and yet again it looks like Covid is not backing down, hitting us with a trilogy (20/21/22). After dodging this shit like ninjas, our team recently got hit by it. This thing is no joke and we have some struggles, but we are working towards getting better and dealing with it the best way possible.

Enough of the negative talk, let’s talk about the good stuff, right?

Various News:

Firstly, we are finally addressing something that some of you guys have been asking us for a while: a gallery screen to access the “special” scenes of the game. For sure, even before the next launch, we are planning to have an update to add this feature and collect feedback about it.

We are also preparing something very cool for the Platinum supporters, something we are very excited about! You know those image packs portraying “extra scenes” that you guys get every month? Well, they are getting an amazing upgrade.

They are going to be more than just images! We will be turning these bonus images into playable scenes with a lot of romance and passion. We are sure that this will make them way more interesting and exciting to see (and play!).

To take advantage of the content already produced, our team is already working on scripting these scenes and they are going to be available to you as soon as they are completed.

As we work coding and writing the texts from some previous scenes, we’re going to figure out the logistics to deliver the incoming playable scenes every month (since SHS releases aren’t monthly), and we’ll make a post in the future with more details once we’ve sorted out all the questions and final details.

On top of that, our Gold patrons are also going to be receiving some extra goods this year. Starting next month, you will get some bonus images from the Platinum bonus scenes. The idea is that every month you guys will receive around five CGs from the full pack to give you a little look at what the bonus scenes have to offer. We hope you guys like the news! 😉

Shale Hill Secrets - Episode 5

We are working on the next episode of Shale Hill Secrets at full throttle the best we can given the current circumstances - and after the big fourth installment, things are getting hotter and hotter.

As our MC discovered, something big is going to happen at an upcoming Halloween party. The thing that he didn’t know is that he might now be the one with a target on his back. Maybe he ended up poking his nose in the business of people that are way more dangerous than he previously thought…

So, what is going to happen to our main character? And our friends, are they at risk too? We love hearing your theories and predictions, please feel free to post them in the comments below or over in #game-discussions channel on our Discord server!

All the best,
The Love-Joint Team.




Love it. Do take care!


All of this sounds awesome! Can’t wait to see what more content comes out from LJ!


Just got diagnosed today with it. 3rd effing time

3 Times

These updates sound amazing. I look forward to seeing it. With that said, please take care of yourselves first. That's more important!


Take care! ❤


Awesome, and do be safe team. ❤️


Take care. Health comes first ❤


I am thrilled to be able to support you guys again. I love your content and think you are guys are incredibly talented, but please be healthy. I want you guys to kick Covid's ass and keep giving us amazing games to fap to, lol

J. Ranthion

I get it. I had covid over Christmas and New Years. Its rough.


Related to the 'special scenes' idea, I'd been recently wishing for an 'achievements' page that would essentially indicate the degree to which I had or had not found most of the content in, or paths through, a given episode or game. I find that Tora Productions' games are very satisfying in this respect and would love to see a similar option in yours. Hope everyone feels healthy again soon.