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Hey guys!

Just a quick post to let you know that the next installment of Shale Hill Secrets is almost ready! As you have seen RECENTLY (pun totally intended 😉), the exploration menu is getting more relevant within the game and we are carefully listening to your feedback to integrate it better.

Since the beginning, the idea was to create different possibilities, and we are investing more effort into this as the development goes by, meaning we need to put more thought into the gameplay side of it so it’s as smooth as possible when you play.

This update to the fourth episode is going to maintain the same vibe of the previous release - so we are still going to work together with the girls, helping them with weird things that are going on in their lives while getting to know some sides of them that we didn’t have a chance to learn yet. Also, some of the girls will continue to grow in importance to our MC. This of course means you will have more chances to get lucky with some of them…

Internal beta testing is under way and we are aiming to have the game ready for you guys by next weekend!

It’s almost there people, thank you for your incredible support!
The Love-Joint Team.




Looking forward to it!


we still on for a weekend release


I believe so. We're almost finishing putting everything together, and doing final testing. We'll make a post to let everyone know if something goes wrong and we can't release this weekend. In any case, even if a delay happen, it'll most likely be just a few days.


Throughout the week, I was looking forward and hoping for the release this weekend, also hoping for a Valerie scene. If none of those happens, it's okay, I'll look forward to it regardless, it'll come sooner or later. I appreciate the amazing work!


So today or tomorrow?