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Hey everyone. We hope you all had a fantastic holiday. Today we’d like to share an update about what we have planned for 2021 and the future of the studio after the completion of Double Homework.

As most of you already know, Double Homework’s main storyline was completed in Episode 19, but we planned two extra epilogues to show what happened to our beloved characters afterwards. The first one focused on Johanna and Tamara was released in December 2020 (play it here), and we’re planning to release the second one at the end of January.

New game

In February, we’d like to finally present a playable preview of our next game - Shale Hill Secrets. We’ve been planning, prototyping and experimenting with it since October 2020, so we are feeling pretty confident and excited about it! We don’t want to spoil too much at this early stage, but you can expect a lighthearted story full of interesting characters and rich environments. This time, we’d like to provide less linear gameplay, giving players the opportunity to explore more possibilities and feel in control of their choices.

Please take into consideration the images in this post are work in progress drafts. We are still developing the style/postwork and the final game will most likely look slightly different - and hopefully even better!

Click here to see the preview in full size

This new project will likely move away from HTML5. We want to explore new possibilities that are currently unfeasible in DH’s engine. Web based games are fantastic for accessibility, but they also bring in limitations and issues that we’d like to get rid of in order to expand the scope of our games, presenting players with a richer and more exciting world. There exists the possibility that the very first preview of the game will be Windows only, but we’re working hard on the list of supported platforms and we’re aiming to have the game working on Mac and Android as well.

New artists

We’d also like to officially welcome two new very talented artists joining the Love-Joint team: NiRo and Mr. Vargas! Both of them are experienced creators who are now in charge of bringing to life the world and characters of our new title. We are super excited and happy to have them on board and we hope you all like the new aesthetic we are going for.

We’ll be publishing more teasers and information about the new game soon. Stay tuned and stay safe!

The Love-Joint Team.




Gotta say I'm loving the look if these three characters in the new game, as well as the backgrounds. The first one especially, with the light streaming in from the windows. Wonderful. Can't wait to experience another awesome story!


I like what I see and hear about this game in this post. I think this will be a better fit for your team and your fanbase than the earlier mentioned cyberpunk and noir ones, although perhaps those will still be coming at some time. I also like the idea of a more light-hearted game. After so many reasons to be depressed about 2020, I know I'd welcome something more upbeat and fun. And I really hope the same level of customizations will be available in this game as the last few. I'll be eagerly awaiting February's preview.


In the name of palmer this dream no this legacy must go on


The future is looking good. Glad to be a supporter, well done!

Going Bonkers

Thanks for the update. The images look fantastic. Really looking forward to more updates and the initial release. I'm a fan of Mr. Vargas's work. While not familiar with NiRo, I'm sure it will be top notch as are all of you at Love-Joint.

Keith Thirgood

As much as it's great that you're going to carry on, i9f people on Macs are treated as second class members, then you will lose me. I supported Palmer as a Platinum contributor and have recently been supporting you at the same level. Your game has never run completely right on the Mac, but I've been OK to overlook that. Not so sure my support and other Mac users' support is that significant to you.


I totally get wanting to move to a platform, but please, please, please don't abandon your Mac supporters.


As the text explains we'll do our best to have it running on Mac and Android as well of (obviously) Windows. There won't be "second class members".


I haven't really had a chance to get into either DH or the other title that has already been made but I do have to say that so far your story is very captivating even if it makes me feel like it's a bit f'ed up with that obvious nasty a'hole named dennis. Just wondering if anyone can direct me to something to help get specific scenes or what scenes I might want to avoid.


Interesting art style, definitely dig it.


If it doesn't run on Android then I'll have to unfortunately end my pledge. That's my current and only platform available to me.


After reading this again, I am a little bit concerned with the nonlinear progression. Please do not let this get in the way of making an engaging story. It's easy to fall in to the overused pattern of having a romance progression with each character that have their own completely separate story, without an overarching goal/story/objective for yourself, the main character. I really hope there will be a goal or objective in the game other than trying to seduce girls. A little bit of non linearity is good, but don't get it get in the way of having an interesting main character.

Zed - Love-Joint

It’s not 100% as it’s still a work in progress - we’ll try our best to get it working on Android!

Zed - Love-Joint

I don’t think that’s the plan at all, please do not worry. It’ll still be an engaging VN just with some other choices that makes the players feel they have more of an impact on decisions, for example, not being forced to go ahead with every romance option

Zed - Love-Joint

The variable editor (link attached to the specific episode posts) for DH can help you check specific routes and scenes!


The image looks fantastic, keep up the good work.


Wow, love the artwork on this. And personally for me the only criticism I've had against DH is that it felt too linear so to hear that you wan't to go towards a less linear game sounds fantastic in my opinion. Just want to add that I really admire how you managed to complete the game so well with everything that happened. Will happily continue to contribute and look forward for what's to come.


I'll be honest by saying I'm not sure how I feel about this new art style from the latest images just cause of the move away from realism. That being said, you guys have never failed to provide anything short of perfection within your games so I look forward to being proven wrong and being swept up (yet again :D) in your fine work. Keep up the legendary effort!!!


I'm very curious about the next one :D

My Other Half

I think Double Homework is going to stay with me for a long, long time


Windows is the most hated OS, why go that way🤮


Because (we like it or not) that's what most of our players use according to the analytics data we have access to at the moment. However, as explained in the post, we are working hard to get it running on Mac and Android as well, meaning players should be able to choose between these three platforms.