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Hey everyone, I wanted to share some of my latest sketches with you all. I'm really excited to work on these two new pieces, and I want to assure you that Camper Big still has a part 2 image in the works too. (There might even be a bonus included in his set who knows 👀)

As for the Hercule spread, it will be just that - a spread. While the Dodoria mini-comic will be the major highlight of the DBZ set, I wanted to show some love to some of the characters that are often overlooked, and Hercule is one of those to me at least lol.

Regardless I'm pushing hard and I can't wait to see how everything I've shown turns out! I hope you guys have been enjoying the sketches so far! Also, feel free to give some feedback on stuff as well you'd like to share, I'm always down for suggestions or ideas!




He's not called Big for nothing! The preview's crop really made it a huge "open this for a surprise!" moment for me 😆 and speaking of big, that's a real heavy hitter Mr. Hercule is dealing with there. Though I'm pretty sure the savior of the world can take him! In a fight, right? Hercule and Buu have such a great dynamic it's honestly refreshing to see them because I have to agree, those two are way too underrepresented plus he's looking great! You grasped his design excellently and made some really wonderful expressions, they capture the more fun cartoony essence of DBZ and make him look more animated!


Yeah I for sure am gonna need to grab more screen grabs of his face so I can push his facial expressions more because I love how toony he is lol Also thank you for the nice compliments! 🫶 I'm gonna keep doing my best to push these so that they come out the best they can be!


Nice take on Big.