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Hey, all I just wanted to let you all know that January's final rewards are going to be almost set up and sent out. The reason this has taken me so long is because I worked on as many things as I could as well as new and extra stuff I am working on as surprises for you guys. But ultimately I ate more than I could chew and had to limit it to be a bit smaller. 

◆What about the pieces/sketches you showed?

All of the ones seen but not in the rewards folder for January will be posted in February and so on for other months. Since I did a lot of pre-gaming in having their sketches done they will be in there at most early February. I am also still trying to figure out the MEGA folder stuff this is just to make sure people aren't going to steal these said rewards from you all.

Once I figure out a new system for all of this I will be sure to update you guys on it with as much detail as I can.

◆What about the rewards now?

You will get them I am still getting rewards set up but honestly I might just keep the folders up for each month and just add to them as I go. This way folks can easily have access to it each month. If folks think that is way easier for them I am more than willing to. The link for Jan will be sent to your DM right after this post is made and for Feb you will get that Feb 5th.

Reminder: Rewards are still being set up but you will be given the link to January rewards, as long as you have that link you will be sent the new rewards for this month🎁

I hope you enjoy the last things I got in store and I can't wait for the more that I have in store to show you all! Again I do apologize for the late rewards, The carpal tunnel is really bad and you gotta pace yourself when having it. But I should be good to go for next month and so on with the new brace I am getting. ( •̀ ω •́ )y
Regardless thank you all to everyone for being so patient with me and for supporting me!💕

-Best, Fluffle


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