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Hey guys, I figured I'd update you all during my brief downtime. I'm working on some commissions, which is why I've been a bit quiet on here, but I do plan to be posting some stuff soon. Of course, I'm not gonna rush myself, but I wanted to at least inform everyone on what's up. Some of these coms are pretty big, which is why they are taking so long (by big, I mean comic-ish commissions).

That's all I wanted to address to keep everyone in the loop. I will post some W.I.Ps when I can, and I will also try to come up with some poll ideas for stuff to work on. So we will be chatting again soon! 🩵ヾ(•ω•`)o



Why not post some of your commissions here?


Well, mainly because I don't know if my clients would be okay with me showing stuff on here as it is their piece, and I know not everyone is subbed to my Patreon, so that's always been my reason. It's not that it's stuff I don't wish to share, just more so me being unsure if clients want it shared here, plus the fact that I always post them publically anyway, so it would be kinda pointless, I feel like.


I think that’s a pretty good idea