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Hey all, so firstly, I am doing okay, so no worries, but I figured I'd give a brief update on what is going on.

As folks may know, the reason for my "slow" drawing production is that I have a terrible case of carpal tunnel. This pain comes and goes and makes drawing some days/nights unbearable... I know I had made it clear that I would take it slow, and I have! But the pain is still present...

It hurts... so much, and I hate it. I want to draw and make stuff for you guys, but some days, I hold my wrist and hand and cry because of how much it hurts. Waking up every morning to my hand freezing because of the pinched nerves is so scary. I have so many braces and equipment to try to help, but nothing seems to be working. I don't want to live like this forever.

So I'm going to see what's going on with a doctor and hope that maybe I can get this situation resolved permanently. Some people with carpal tunnel might get medication that can help with the healing process on a more intense level, but if it is severe, it can be a case where I could get a slight surgery that could take at most a week to heal. BUT I DON'T HAVE ANY CONCRETE ANSWERS YET. I plan to call my doctors today and finally get this checked out. I was always so used to working through pains and just going and going. I thought, "Hey, maybe this will heal," but it doesn't feel like it is.

This pain isn't something that a simple brace and time off can fix. This is becoming more serious, so I will treat it as such and get it checked out. I won't ignore my body anymore. I can't afford to anymore, not with this pain.

So I will still have the strength to finish the rewards for this month fear not. Luckily, coloring is less painful for me as it's not so tedious on my hands, but I will be sure to make a post on any updates involving this medical situation. Thank you all for being so patient and so supportive of me and I'm so sorry I let you guys down for not taking care of myself... I love art. It's my whole world, but I also know this is what you all, my friends, spouse, and family, would want me to do.



Fluffle, sorry to hear that! I think the doctor may give you something to wear on your wrist when you go to bed. I apparently had it for awhile since it runs in the family so I tend to always have trouble playing games on my keyboard. So just know you are not alone. *Hugs*


Sorry to hear that. Knowing how annoying it is for this pain coming back after few attempts to recover from it, yet I'm glad that you're getting it checked out with your doctor on the solution soon and probably feel better mentally after the check up