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Hey, guys. I just wanted to inform folks that I am done with my short mandatory hand break, and I should be ready to return to my grind. If things feel worse, I'll extend my time and just work very minimally, but for right now, I've been feeling a lot better hand-wise so let's hope it stays that way. (>人<;)

I am super excited to show you guys my boy's redesigns, as I've been working on them, as well as some new boys to come; I will show sketches of that and some trades I got in the works with a few mutuals that you guys will recognize. 

And fear not, rewards for this month are still gonna be worked on, just deciding on the next person to go with the Big the Cat set (Stuck between Storm (Sonic Riders) Or Vector, choices choices lol)

Not gonna keep you long just wanted to give a small update. See you all soon with some sketches! Chow~💕



Stuck between Storm and Vector... Now that would be quite the scene! Whoever you pick though will look excellent, that's just a fact. Work smarter not harder is the name of the game so while I'm as excited as I am to see the boyos do take all the time you need, this update post is appreciated all the same!


Glad your hand's feeling better!! also Vector, yessss. I'm a major Vector fanboy, totally not biased.