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I've been stressing past these few days now because of what I heard about Paypal.
I know paypal had this thing if they finds out that you do nsfw they can ban you but now things are getting worse. What I understood that they can check your accounts where paypal is linked to? And my paypal account is linked to my patreon so this been causing lots of stress because if I lose my paypal account I'll be very fucked.

I only had other Payout method called Payoneer. I managed to create account there and link the payout method there but I still feel that I'm not safe. I can't relax at all..

Have you guys heard about this problem and do you know what I should do to make sure that I won't get ban on paypal??
I accept all the help.


Moogle mood

So i just looked this up cause I didnt know it was a thing till you said something..unfortunately it is true from what they say about nsfw "Digital Goods". I think Pateron also uses Venmo, if you know what that is you could possible use that! I've used venmo and its easier to for me to understand that cashapp. I hope that Cashapp doesn't make a big deal out of this. Stay calm and I hope the best for you🙏🏻❤️


I don't have Venmo option:< Only Paypal and Payoneer. I can't use cashapp either because it's not available in European countries. But thank you. I try not to stress about this but at the same time it haven't been easy. I just worry about this too much..:<


Maybe perhaps link your patreon to an alternative. Like the previous comment started, maybe you can use Venmo? I wish for only good things to go your way 💞💞


I don't have Venmo option. My patreon only has paypal and payoneer payout methods:< But if I had Venmo I would try it.


As far as I know Nsfw art does not affect this problem! Whereby I can not imagine that in general because otherwise at Onlyfans that should not go either where everything is just porn and real people are to be seen. XD I think that you really do not have to make a head. Art / artwork are always a certain exception what Nsfw concerns. 😃


I default to cash app over paypal for a lot of things but Its for short payment things like commissions or small purchases at stores usually and may be limited in countries outside usa


Unfortunately, I know jackshit about this and I've never heard of this. That's just some bs. They expect other people to just instantly go sfw? Smh, they're just running their business to the ground at this point Still, I do hope you're okay and no need to stress too much. Take a breather and see if it also includes digital artwork. Hopefully they don't access your account, cos I'm pretty sure that's illegal? I dunno, I'm not American


To add to previous message, Kofi or however its spelled, also has monthly support options where we can support you as well if we do need to move off patreon


Oh gosh, I'm sorry. :(( what about Subscribestar? It has no affiliation whatsoever with Paypal, maybe you can move from Patreon to there?


Subscribestar is just like patreon, a subscription membership website. And they mainly use money straight from the bank account vía wire or ACH transaction, absolutely no PayPal is used and they don't plan on using them


I've read some comments of people suggesting Wise or Stripe as alternatives. Others say to have the funds go directly to your bank account and if PP is a most, to not write anything specific about the comm or content you produce. Unfortunately, this is something they've always been able to do and has happened to other artists that suddenly got banned and forced to give refunds. It just sucks.


I mean I’ve read that kofi doesn’t support sexual content/explicit pornographic content. Also nudity cause I’m now also totally stressed about getting banned by PayPal for selling nudes and *cough* more explicit content 🥲 are they okay if you use the service but you do that kind of stuff on other sites and apps?


I have read about wise too. I just don't know can you connect it to anywhere like how you can connect patreon to paypal. Though at least I could take commissions through wise if paypal ends up banning me. But I really hope they won't do it.. I would do the funds go directly to my bank account but I don't have that option. I guess because I live in EU.


You sure?? Because other people have said other things😥 but if this is true I really hope it is because I can't lose my paypal..


not certain but thats good to know, I didnt check TOS I just know my friend supports a NSFW artist there


Patreon QAs mentions that for creators outside the USA they give payouts only through Paypal or Payoneer. Stripe isn't an option for anyone outside the USA. Did some digging around and they don't support Wise just yet :( Even if it is connected to a checking acc. You should be fine with Payoneer, they are aware of the nsfw content on Patreon (and so does Paypal actually), so you should be safe.


Hey. I asked the question once openly on Twitter and Paypal answered me. Hope that helps you further. As far as I have understood it depends on what you do and in what context it stands. With me some is also story relevant therefore these things are always änderst judged.😊 https://twitter.com/nirix_art/status/1560337005346693121?s=21&t=qTOz7ZkQsI9xP0XTMntcdA


Ah ok:oo Thank you for asking them and letting me know about this. This does make my stress to calm down bit. But I'm still on that line that I'm hoping my paypal to be safe. But I guess we'll see when that time comes how things will end.