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Hello guys.

I've been thinking about maybe closing the "Sunny Hearty" tier for now (not sure about the "Hearty Seedling" tier yet). I just feel I work so hard on here that I always end up "burning out", resulting in not wanting to open commissions (some people have asked about it and I do want to open them, so others outside of Patreon can get drawings from me too).

Which is why I think closing it would get me a few free spots for commissions. I do feel bad about it but I'm not that energetic anymore what I used to be and my mental health has been declining too lately, so drawing takes more energy from me. I also think my prices on here are too low. I've tried to draw things in a way that is fitting for the price but since I'm a perfectionist, I always end up doing extra work.

But at the same time I don't want to charge too much because I feel people wouldn't be interested to pick those tiers if the prices are too high to pay every month. 

I'm not really sure what I should do. Do you guys have any suggestions/ feedback for me what I could change about "Hearty Seedling" and "Sunny Hearty"?

What other content would you like to see and how much are you willing to pay for requests?

I want people to be satisfied with what they get and at the same time being able to take care of my health. I've also been thinking while I'll sort everything out to take a break from Patreon for a month (September), would that be okay for you? There are still the WIP's from our game you can look forward to, so it's not like you won't get any content during my break :)
And I'm still planning to post nsfw too when I end up drawing some.

Thank you for reading and your amazing support. I hope you guys been doing well <3

(I still have few patron requests from this month and I will finish those so don't worry you will get your piece^^)



It's obvious you need a break. Not being mean or anything! It's difficult to pump out so much that I think you deserve a long needed break. A month or more, you just need energy. I'm honestly okay with paying for requests and such and don't mind at all. I'll pay for your commissions if you do end up removing the requests. I'll still be supporting! Anything works! Just want you to be happy and healthy as well. Love your art too, absolutely amazing! But a break is better than just waiting for the next post. Anytime you have a burnout, just take a breather. Wait a little. Whatever makes you happy makes me, and everyone happy. Do what you want though. I'm just a random patron lmao. Stray healthy! TLDR: A break is good and healthy for the brain


It would definitely make sense raising the prices on all of these. I personally wouldn't mind paying double or even triple for the quality you deliver. There's absolutely no need to feel bad about raising the prices at all


Please take as much time as you need! Your health comes first over anything else. You have been pumping content almost daily, you deserve a break. Your work has value so don't feel scared on raising the prices. You always deliver quality content so it just makes sense. Adding to that, I guess you can also reduce the amount of requests you take per month? As to leave you time for yourself and to focus on other things. No matter what you choose, I will still support you :) Sending good vibes your way!


Truth be told, I've been eyeing those tiers in hopes to grab one myself or possibly snag a commission. I think with the amount of work you are able to put into the requests, you can raise the prices. It might scare away some folks but will make room for those who are in a situatio where they are more than happy to pay the price you require for the work you do! Take a break when you can, think over what you wanna do, the ones who really wanna support you will stick around one way or another!


Your health always comes first! Please do take breaks whenever you can! Your art is amazing and in good quality, I think it's fair for you to raise the prices. We'll always support you no matter what!! 💖💖 Take care!! 💞💞


I'll stay for the changes and I think other people will to. Your art is really good and it's just nice to look at. As for the break I think you should do it so you don't over work yourself and start making art you can't even enjoy.


I definitely respect your decision regardless so do what you feel needs to be done


Like everyone else is saying, your health comes first, and I'll still support you. I don't care about getting a request, I just want to see your art, characters, stories, and anything else you make in the future! Maybe the hearty seedling tier can get access to the game demos, while the sunny hearties can get the one character commissions, as well as the game demos? It may be best to get rid of the two character requests altogether. That's just my opinion though! Do whatever you think is best!


I think raising the prices could be a good idea. Or maybe restructure the two to be a half body and full body teir, and charge extra for if people want a second character involved in either? I've also seen a few artists take months off where they pause the patreon tiers to take a break. You could try that first?


I always say health comes first! I don't mind if both tiers closed down but if I could offer a suggestion, I would say to allow tiers still for just sheer support! :) Maybe let tiers get an early heads up as to when commissions open? (like general timeframes so we can try to grab some first!) That or maybe make it so that the tiers mean we get to see sketches that you do on your free time? so many things you can try out but i'd rather you not break your WRIST with so many of these tiers that are 1 character or 2 per month. If your wrist hurt we wouldnt be able to see all the amazing artwork you do after all! Thats what got us all here before anything! &lt;3 &lt;3 &lt;3


I agree with this, I wouldnt mind a price raise other so that way less people would want to be the tier (Have another affordable tier) that has the art get pumped out. Maybe have a lower tier for raffle and winner gets art for that month? vs EVERYONE gets art haha