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prompt by anne i love her 🥴🥴🥴 

"Popola tube-feeding him, saying that it's admirable that he's held out for this long, but the only way they're gonna let him stop drinking is if he gives in and lets himself reunite with Shadowlord... optional creaking red overfull tummy"

and now our exchange about the pic bc its v  importany:

vern — Today at 3:14 PM

  • teasing about popping :   👍👍
  • actual popping:  🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️

AnneACW — Today at 3:14 PM

  • hehe
  • he's in danger
  • go on Nier,,, don't you just wanna submit?

vern — Today at 3:14 PM

  • good. danger is hot
  • hes really pushing his luck by now,,,  hopefully kaine can sabe him soon..

AnneACW — Today at 3:15 PM

  • somewhere underneath all that fat, his dick is harder than it ever has been before

vern — Today at 3:15 PM

  • GOOD
  • he wants to see how long he can go

AnneACW — Today at 3:16 PM

  • he thought he was at the edge like a half-hour ago, but somehow his belly keeps stretching to handle it...
  • every little throb of his stomach puts him closer to cumming

vern — Today at 3:22 PM

  • eventually he does climax, and hes so super embarrassed. meanwhile popola is Very amused... hes such a pervert...



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