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drew and wrote something for my friend so he fails no nut november so he writes me a free fic 🥺

he told me his interests so i got to work,,,

the ficlet i wrote is Very unpolished but!! i think it works

he came to you begging for you to fatten him… he was so eager, so greedy! he wanted to be huge, fat, and flabby. but as time went on, even as he grew satisfied with his weight gain, you still stuffed the greasiest, most fattening foods in his mouth. now, instead of begging you for more; he begs you too stop. but you dont. even as he whimpers and whines, you add more fat to his frame. pure butter, lard, sugar and cream slurries he’s forced to consume through a tube. As he gets fatter, his body weakens to the point where he cant barely even struggle. breathless from overexertion as he weakly tries to bat your hand away. his fat weighing down on him, but you love it. you love seeing the struggle. he once wanted more fat, but now he wants to lose it all. but you wont allow it. no, you ensure he eats more. youre not satisfied. you need him bigger, fatter, more helpless. 

his initial greed got him into this mess. he didn’t think of the consequences of coming to you for this request. he thought you would let him go after he reached his goal. but you didnt. now, he can barely waddle, too weighed down by hundreds of pounds of fat. and its all thanks to you. 

he wanted to simply be 350 pounds. but soon he reached 400. he was hesitant to accept it, but eventually came around as tou planned for him to reach 500. when 500 pounds was reached, you were planning for 600. then 700, 800…. 900…. his fat is spreading across the bed around him, pinning him down as you shove a tube of your trademark fattening shake in his mouth. hes powerless to resist at this point. he doesnt want to submit to his fate. but theres nothing he can do to stop you from fattening to him to being the largest person in the world. even that goal will soon be dwarfed by his ever growing body though… you’ll never be satisfied.  you’re the greedy one here.



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