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one more part til the finale!!!!




Joey Bearat

Oh my gosh!! What a cutey!!! Such an awesome job you did with Kaneki, and I LOVE the dialogue too! ADORABLE!!! Now to somehow end up living up to this size and matching his plushy soft heft and keep up with his weight someday! Now THIS series is making it very difficult for me to end up living up to. Lol So big and soft! Makes me want to get just as fat and plushy even more!

Joey Bearat

Of course! I'm loving this progress! Awww! >_< You're making me blush! Hehe, I sincerely hope I can do it, this is leaving a lot to live up to though! The perfect goal to try and reach! Thank you for your faith in me, I'll add that to my own and work even harder! ;w;