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A rope bridge connects two jungle plateaus... Just barely.

Every now and then I get the urge to redo one of my old maps, bigger and better. This month I gave my old Rope Bridge the treatment!

The result is a bridge much longer, and over a fall much more deadly. Whether or not it can hold a backpack-toting adventurer is yet to be proven. 

I hope you have a Plan B in case things go poorly here GM, because I sure don't! 

Hmm, what sort of monsters might you mix in? Dire Macaw? Macaque Swarm? Well, perhaps an Athletics check is all you need for a PK here... Good luck!

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Thanks to Patrons like you this map is released under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.



Wouter Bijnsdorp

Herd of wildebeest! Have the tabaxi characters dad fall in! 😌