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Hello, and happy March 2023! February was the definition of short and sweet, and those 28 days felt more like two weeks to me.

We are still working on the rewards actually, and will be sharing those with you over the course of the week. Please watch your notifications, and thank you for your patience! We will make it worth the wait. :)

So, what have we been up to? Allow me to summarize with a short list:

I hope that you like these, because we've got more assets to come, and more maps from these skilled artists too! And what about our website? We released two resource-packed articles this month:

I really got into a groove with these food assets, and am excited to continue with another theme. It's time to explore outside of medieval Europe! Are there any packs that you would particularly like to see? Please leave a comment and we'll add it to our list. :)

Thank you for your support this February, and we hope that you'll stick around this March. Please head over to the Discord for work-in-progress updates if you'd like a closer look, otherwise I'll see you again here on Patreon when we've got something new to share!

Have a good one,
– Ross

Your Exclusive Patreon Content

Finally, you can grab a free $1 map with the coupon surprisemimicbed valid until the end of the month. You can browse the selection here.




I desperately need more Indigenous American and Pacific Islander content!!


There's already *some* Mesoamerican stuff out there. (But it's a weird mashup of Mayan and Aztec, and almost always a dungeon or ruined temple... never the home's and communities of actual living people.)


But in addition to Mesoamerican, I'd love to see Incan, Amazonian, Pueblo, Inuit, Polynesian... There are so many awesome (and visually distinctive!) "New World" cultures that we barely ever get to see in RPGs.


I'm always searching for reference material, if you or anyone else would like to send me a list of links or images! I hardly know where to start.


This website has a fairly deep dive into Mayan architecture and housing, decor, etc, but it's spread over MANY hyperlinked pages and has sadly few pictures: https://mayansandtikal.com/mayan-architecture/ https://mayansandtikal.com/mayan-architecture/mayan-buildings-daily-life-or-architecture/ https://mayansandtikal.com/mayan-architecture/mayan-housing/ https://mayansandtikal.com/mayan-society/mayan-homes/ https://mayansandtikal.com/mayan-civilisation/mayan-shelter/


One of my all-time favorite Mesoamerican sites is Teōtīhuacān, which we know next-to-nothing about the original inhabitant of, other than they were amazing monument-builders. The Aztecs rediscovered the city centuries after its abandonment and named it Teōtīhuacān (Place Where the Gods Were Born). Less than a decade ago, archaeologists stumbled across something mind-blowing: an underground miniature recreation of underworld, complete with "lakes" still filled with mercury and a tunnel where you walk in near-darkness through a galaxy of hand-painted reflective "stars." You can't make this stuff up. :) https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2017/sep/24/teotihuacan-pyramids-treasures-secret-de-young-museum-san-francisco https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teotihuacan

Christopher Kyle Coker

I would like to echo something from the first post here. Pacific Islander architecture, communities, and even boats would be WILDLY useful, and awesome to boot.