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We have another bite-sized adventure to share: Ooze on the Loose! How will  your PCs fare against these five slimes? Map, tokens, and stat blocks  inside:

Read it on 2-Minute Tabletop

An encounter with experimental, elemental oozes running rampant  through an ancient ritual room, with stat blocks for use in D&D  5E...
Baltazar Bridgers used to live a comfortable life as a wizard in service to an affluent,  if largely powerless, noble. He had space to himself, time to conduct  whatever research he wished, and only occasionally needed to fulfill  requisitions and provide magical assistance to his employer. But  Baltazar squandered this life. His experiments consumed more and more of  his time until he neglected his work entirely in favor of them. Word  also spread, whispered rumors of the noble’s mage being passed around  town, discussing the odd truth behind his growing reclusiveness:  Baltazar Bridgers is obsessed with oozes...
Read more:

These oozes are a little meaner that in Part 1, but check out the end of  the article for tips on making it easier or tougher. And whether or not  you plan on running this exact adventure, we hope you'll at least enjoy  the individual tokens, maps, and stat blocks!

This is a free article made in addition to our usual Patreon releases.



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