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Troy's got a new encounter for you today featuring mischievous fey, a large battle map, tokens, and a magical stones...

Read it on 2-Minute Tabletop

A mischievous fey encounter with a character, magic item, and creatures with stat blocks for use in D&D 5e.
Deep  in the forest is a tree that towers over the rest, marking the location  of an ancient glade. This glade is a popular resting point for  travelers but is also the home of a capricious fey that enjoys playing a  particularly dangerous game with those that visit its clearing. While  the game is usually not lethal, those who are not experienced in dealing  with the twisted words of feyfolk are sure to continue their journey  with several new bruises...
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We hope that these resources fit neatly into your collection! You're  welcome to run the whole thing as-written, as you wish, or completely  piecemeal. We just hope that you and your players have a good time. :)

This is a free article made in addition to our usual Patreon releases.



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