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I should have the final version up in a couple of hours, gods willing!

You ever start on a piece, and sketch and sketch and sketch, and it's just not going anywhere? Best advice: Scrap it, and start over. The rough draft I did before this one took me nearly 45 minutes to get even CLOSE to the pose I had in mind, but it just wasn't working. The face was off. The arms were weird. She had this weird disconnect between her chest and waist and her hips. So, I took the things I DID like from that pose, and just redrew the rest of it. 

Sometimes, it's better to cut your losses and try again. It's frustrating, hell yeah, but what will you be happier with? A final result that you spent hours perfecting but still don't really like? Or a do over that took a little bit longer, but actually makes you pretty happy? 

I have a bad habit of doing the first one a LOT. I'll try to work with a difficult pose or mediocre sketch, and since I've already put so much time into it, I don't want to waste more time trying to start over, so I just ink and color what I have and make the best of it. Not everything can be perfect, of course, and sometimes it's even better just to finish something, instead of redoing it over and over. It's really just a trial and error technique. You win some, you lose some. 

That being said, I'm going to feel really stupid if this looks 10x worse when I ink and color it. LOL.

Y'all have a good weekend. <3



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