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Since the comic/MotW campaign takes place in 2005, I’ve always wanted to draw what Dagkota would look like in present day. Let’s just say, they’ve been bust LMAO

For anyone new, yes, Dagger is MY character, but Dakota is actually my friend Mags’ character. We ORIGINALLY came up with these two for a monster of the week campaign we started playin with friends last July. What you see in the comics is roughly based off of our private rp’s + brainstorming sessions and motw games we play. So, everyone say THANK YOU MAGS, because if she hadn’t hopped in my DM’s last summer and said, “hey, wanna make a greasy werewolf?” none of this would have happened!

Now, let’s meet the kids! (Who are also all 100% from the brain of Mags, I just drew them! She’s like… my tiny chef) From oldest to youngest:

Rhodes: Oldest brother. Takes after his dad. Has his mom’s nose. Inherited the wolf gene. Hasn’t hit his growth spurt yet. Life is tough when you’re a 4’10“ 15yo.

Alice: Middle sister. Looks more like Dagger’s mom, Cat, but with Dakota’s blue eyes (YES DAKOTA WAS BORN WITH BLUE EYES, it’s a part of the forbidden lore oooooh ghost stuff!) ALSO inherited the wolf gene. Oh boy.

Rosanna: Baby sister. Dakota copy+paste LMAO Did NOT inherit the wolf gene, but she’s definitely a little spooky… hmmmmMMMMMMM… 

NEW HD PAGE ON SATURDAY! Today is Insatiable day!



Kaitlyn Dreamer

Idk why but this makes me so happy. Love future them ❤️❤️❤️


Fucking brilliant. Can’t wait to see more of the lore come out. The details are killer. You’re ability to have that bodies mesh in a way that looks relaxed and natural is inspiring. 👏👏👏