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There he is, your honor. The guy who stole my gender.

You ever get excited making stuff with your own characters?? Like why am I giddy about drawing this man’s eyes like I haven’t been drawing him nonstop since last July already??? HELLO

UPDATE: I forgot I was gonna add some context to the creative choices in this scene, things I’m not gonna explicitly state until much later in the story, but I figure, if you’re on my Patreon, you should also get access to artist commentary and behind the scenes on stuff like this.

This was a memory/dream sequence! So, this actually happened, but Dagger is reliving it and subconsciously seeing himself as this… Scary little creature, because, in his mind, why else would his dad not want him? It’s also to signify that like. OBVIOUSLY, deep down, Lex knows Dagger is his. He got cold feet and used that one second of doubt when he didn’t sense Diego’s wolf-traits early enough, and he bolted. Mags and I have our own little lore around how werewolf genetics kinda work in this world, but I won’t divulge too much of that right now. Let’s just say, Dagger was a late-bloomer, and Lex used that to his advantage to throw the blame on Cat and run. Is he an asshole? Yes. That’s it. End of story.

Dagger, on the other hand. Just wants to be wanted. And having this dream over and over again where he’s a monster and his dad hates him, probably doesn’t feel good. That’s okay! The day has only just begun!

Inks and flats by Curtis!

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Aniela Settle

Oh the sweet baby. He deserves all the love in the world.


Okay I already loved this character but holy crap this PLOT!! The way they’re literally the spitting image of each other??? Major props bestie