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First and foremost, there’s so many new patrons!!! Hello and THANK YOU! I know most of you new people are here for more Haunting Dagger, so I’m making some changes to this profile to accommodate that.

I should also address that elephant in the room: Lucky!

Well, I have good news and bad news. Let’s start off with the bad news: I don’t think Lucky! will be making an official “return” from hiatus in the traditional sense. Which is not to say it’s not coming back! Im just not in a place financially, mentally, etc. to make the commitment of doing full monthly episodes anytime soon. But it’s not disappearing completely!

Let me (try?) to explain.

Some of y’all have been here since 2015, when I first launched my patreon. Back then, BEFORE Lucky!, I was working on a fan comic (that eventually faded into obscurity) but it was a traditional format comic that I updated once a week. It was bliss. i wanted to adopt the same model for Lucky! when I first started working on it. And then. Well. Webtoon Happened! Or rather, instead of placing the blame, *I* tried to make webtoon happen for my comic. And when that opportunity came and went, I was still clinging to the line format, episodic updating for as long as I could. But it’s slow and it’s hard to maintain growth when you’re a slow updater like I am.

(Note: Yea, I got The opportunity to pitch Lucky! for webtoon originals almost two years ago, and they passed on it. I can officially say that now.)

Needless to say, it’s become very clear to me that my only hope to make a living off of my comics will be through patreon. No one’s going to greenlight my series, so I’m not going to wait around on them or produce my stories based on their rules or their schedules. If I’m going to keep making my comics, it needs to be at my own pace, for my own platforms, for my own fun. 

So, I’ve beeeeeen flirting with two different ideas that just so happen to coincide with my new patreon update:

1. I want to return to per page updates, instead of 5-8 page episode updates.

2. My Dagkota 18+ stuff is BOOMING, so I want to lean into that while the interest is high. I want to give all these new patrons their money’s worth!

So, starting next week, I’ve asked Mags to put comic days back on my schedule. I plan on finishing this Dagkota oneshot first. I’m already writing a potential pilot for a more long running 18+ comic with those two (and the rest of the group) to maybe pick up once that’s done. BUT BEFORE YOU PANIC: I’m also going to be working on Lucky! updates again soon. The only difference being, I will only work On updates per page, not per episode. And my primary focus is the “Third Date” oneshot, so there’s no solid date planned for bringing Lucky! updates yet. Im pacing myself so I don’t get burnt out on that story entirely.

I just want to be transparent with y’all. I Have always had multiple little comic ideas I’ve wanted to play with, but never committed to anything because I didnt think I was allowed to deviate as long as I was working on Lucky! And then I got burnt out, and people stopped reading Lucky! and it all kinda came to a head this year so, now I’m just. Gonna go with the flow. And once I meet bigger monthly goals, I can do more oneshots and more pages per week! We’ll see how it pans out!


Cerys Jones

My dude, I am here for whatever comes out of your brain and your digital pencil. I came for Lucky, bit it's you and your ideas and your art that are why I stayed! Plus as someone with super disruptive adhd it really inspires me to see you creating and managing your adhd even when it isn't going well xx


I came here for that fan comic that faded into obscurity but boy howdy am I along for the ride. Just keep doing what you feel is right!!!