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I'm surprised this one got the most votes! (Two, to be exact, but still. Lol.)

I feel the need to explain this 'ship'. Chris is my OBVIOUS 'self insert' in my original story. In fact, they were probably my first real self insert into anything? They're too much like me to even consider calling an original character, even though in this context, it really could be either or.

In any case, Chris in Lucky's story has some pretty sore losses that they're dealing with. I haven't gotten to play with their character yet(since my update schedule is not what it should be in the midst of everything) but I look forward to doing so. I could sit here all day and write  they're backstory in depth, but I have a time limit. Lol.

Long story short, Chris is supposed to be a character that represents a lot of the trauma I went through in my own life. They won't have literally experienced the same things that I have, but they're a physical manifestation of a lot of my underlying issues. My anxiety, my negativity, my depression and such. On the inside, I feel like those things have turned me into such a draining, drag of a person. I often feel like if I let myself reflect those things on the outside, this version of Chris is who I would be.

THE REASON, Lucky/Chris are even a 'ship' is not at all for romantic purposes, but because to me, Lucky represents a journey of discovery and self love. Lucky is the total opposite of what Chris is. And Chris represents mistakes that Lucky has made, and how they're both working to heal and move on from their past. I can't wait to play with their dynamic in a story telling sense. It's definitely a platonic ship, Lucky's got his heart set on some OTHER cutie with green eyes wink wink.

These days, I've been really down on my luck. I always used to say, "I just have bad luck" and "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong" because that's always how my lifes been. I know that's super negative, but that's how it feels sometimes. I still try to stay positive and make the best of things, but when I get overwhelmed, that's the first thing that comes to mind. "Bad Luck". 

That's another reason why Lucky's name is, well, "Lucky". Because we all need some good luck every now and then. <3




that's really moving, chris. Also I love how you drew lucky's hair!!!