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elias gave me one hell of a morning and I just realized next weekend is tio’s lake reunion I promised I’d bring Eli to LAST YEAR, and i didnt actually go get a new swimsuit so kdkdkj

Half of me is rolling around, whining because I don’t want to go anywhere, ever, at all, but another part of me is like “weren’t you just talking about wanting to take Elias to the water park next door yesterday?? Something about needing to get some sun and play more with Elias?? stop complaining and don’t look a gift horse in the mouth” so y’all yell at me to get as much as I can before next Thursday so I don’t feel guilty about taking the time off (Plus I can pretend I’m celebrating Father’s Day for myself with a change of scenery-)

im also impromptu deciding to do more stuff with Elias this summer since he’s about to start school, so Hopefully I don’t back out on that since I’m the hermit ughhHHHHH



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