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SO, I’ll give you guys the full setup here because it’s Patreon, I can write essays, and I’ve got a little time lmao

The Eberron campaign is where I play as Menace. Verve - Mags’ PC - is his older sister, who he THOUGHT was dead for a while, before they were reunited at the beginning of the campaign. Roman - Fang’s PC - is the artificer of The party who collects monster parts and has fancy shoes (and a war forged named Darci, who got rebuilt into a dog at one point, BLOWN UP, and she is currently a velociraptor… yes.) oh and there’s Tiegs, the halfling who is/isnt Menace’s best friend currently.

so, this group has done a lot of shit. Some good. Some not so good. TRIED robbing a museum. Killed some basilisks, fought a horrific meat monster, saved an entire town from bandits By crashing their party and petrifying them with ‘gift wine’ (this is literally none of my own genius, I don’t even know how to play the game, idk how the others came up with these plans sjdjdjd) so, now they’re traveling cross country in a caravan, and at one point, they got stopped by some kobolds (That only Menace could understand) and a RED DRAGON tried to steal our loot. Funny enough, Verve was just at the end of her rope, so she??? Mouthed off?? to a DRAGON. And naturally, we almost got completely obliterated. But they (mostly Roman and his stupid op sword gun thing) bullied the dragon enough to send her flying away.

‘we survived. Somehow.

then they get this great idea. LETS GO TRACK HER DOWN AND STEAL HER HOARD.

‘Which is kinda mostly not that bad considering most of us are fire resistant.

and then you have Tiegz.

anyway, go into the mountains. Fight some more kobolds and an ettin. Find the entrance of the lair and it’s a fucking VOLCANO. Long story short, Verve delivers rhe killing blow(shot??) to the dragon, and once that’s done, her and Roman start bickering over the dead dragon until Roman just. Pulls her into a kiss. And it’s all drama and glitter and THEATRICS, meanwhile Menace is crying in the background and Tiegz is naked and on fire. In a volcano.

I chit hacoekd]what the hell happened to my typing, anyway. Couldn’t have planned a better kiss for those two, this campaign is so much fun. Mags and Fang and Lindsy and Al, thanks for putting up with my dumbass and Menace.




Oh, so romantic! Even the slayed dragon has a twinkle in her eye!