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I was supposed to have two pages to post YESTERDAY, but it’s been rough at home. Elias has been super sick, and I literally have to be glued to his hip to keep him fed and cared for and (other not so fun things I’ll redact so I don’t gross y’all out)

Bad news: our test results came back this morning and we’re both positive for Covid. I was mostly asymptomatic, just a little lethargic yesterday, but i did wake up with The Cough and fever, so I’m dragging my feet. To say I’m angry because this COULD have been avoided would be an understatement. We’ve been so careful, so… yeah, I‘m not happy that we were exposed and didn’t find out til it was too late.

But I’m stubborn and I WILL try to be -somewhat- productive (don’t worry, if it gets too bad, I’ll just rest and give y’all an update later, I won’t push myself to the brink- I have a little one depending on me so I’ve gotta be careful) So, here’s the very VERY low ball list of what I’ll try to have posted today:

-WIP’s for my comms this week(I’m behind, but I can at least get those started and sent to the clients, bare minimum)

-At least ONE adopt design finished (Still plan on having two for fridays sale! Sorry it’s a small batch, but last week’s batch was huge so it balances out, right? 🥲)

-A process post, if I’m feeling feisty lmao

Anyway. Wish us luck. I’m completely vaxxed with the booster, so I, hoping my symptoms are mild, but I’m also immunocompromised so… im nervous. And Elias is so little, the pediatrician said to just push fluids, keep His fever down and watch his breathing. He doesn’t have a cough at all, thank the stars, but his other symptoms are just awful. He’s miserable. I’m sad. 😞




I literally just got over covid. If you can sleep it'll help a lot. Don't push yourself Chris! I hope you and the little one get over it fast 💗💗


I wish you both a speedy recovery! Take care and rest a lot!