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i was supposed to have more than this done today but it was a rough one.

so rough that I FINALLY came to my senses and contacted a therapist for the first time. Like. Ever. I’m just tired of raw dogging it and being too afraid to ask for help when things get bad, and I’m not gonna unload on you guys, BUT I’m trying to take my life back. I’m trying to find my courage to make ends meet and go find my peace. So, hopefully this lights a fire under my ass to do so. Maybe a licensed professional telling me to put my big boy pants on and take control will make me believe that I can ACTUALLY DO THAT.

‘Good news comes with not so good news: It’s a pretty penny. I’m using the insurance (while I still can) but with our deductible and all, it’s $130+ per session. And… I don’t intend on this being a one time thing. I want help. So, as much as I’ve been avoiding taking on comms through the holidays, I MIGHT have to open up some small slots to help me cover this new expense. Idk why it’s that much. Idk. But its been BAD lately, and I want someone to look under the metaphorical hood and help me get pointed in the right direction. old family stuff. Current ”family” stuff. Finances. Etc. It gets to you. 

i wont even get into the diagnoses i’ve been putting off,,, ANYWAY.

Still going full steam ahead, just. Giving y’all a long drawn out excuse for taking a couple of commissions before the end of the year. Wish me luck. 




Here's to asking for help! It's not a sign of weakness, but a mature choice of someone taking responsibility for their own wellbeing along with the wellbeing of their child. Here's to taking your life back! It's yours, it's tough, but it is yours. Here's to you! Parent, provider, creator, person worthy of respect and love. Take care, and keep us posted!