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CW: Blood + implied severed arm 

i offer you: the first official look at Lucky’s mom(Xillan) and some of Red’s bs backstory 




I'm looking at the hair color hex codes and buddy 👀👀👀


The portrait of Xillan is just amazing! So colourful and vibrant. But she looks really distant... So, she is a young ancient who is the mother of Moon and Sirius - is she also the mother of Ghost and Red?! Ghost did refer to Red as "brother" if I remember correctly...? But is Xillan not the least concerned about the wellbeing of her children, and the threat that older ancients like Talyn comprizes? Or she's trying to speak up for her children, but the older ones won't listen? Or she just sparks life to stars, and leave them to fend for themselves. I. Am. Questions.