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I literally completely blanked on the original idea I had for this upcoming print because the pose was weird AND I last minute decided I want this to be the new “taller” promo pic for Lucky! on webtoon so it might not be explicitly shippy, but now I’m like??? What do.

So suggestions are welcome! Comment below and I’ll use my fav or brainstorm using y’all’s suggestions while I sketch out some other comms today. Please and thank you!



I thought this was asking for NSFW pose suggestions when I saw the notif ngl


I agree with Cherry, the teleporting scene was super cool looking right up until Lucky realized that he wasn't paying attention and botched the dismount


Lucky busting his ass because he wasn’t paying attention is one of my FAVORITE bits from the series. Shifters do need to focus on their entry and exit when teleporting, and he’s just making googly eyes at the bartender djdjdj